3 Follow-Up Questions with Alex Morris and Francisco Olivera on Netflix (Ticker: NFLX)
Two intelligent shareholders on the state of the streaming behemoth
Reminder: these are written responses from our interviews after we finished recording. Enjoy the episode and listen wherever you get your podcasts!
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3 Follow-up Questions With Alex Morris and Francisco Olivera
What do you want investors to take away from this interview?
“Hopefully the conversation provided some insight into Netflix’s competitive position and the state of the media/streaming industry at large. It will be telling to see whether Netflix expands its portfolio of “live” rights (or sports).”
“I hope investors walk away from this conversation with an appreciation for the sustainable competitive advantages that Netflix has established. The company just navigated through the most intense period of competition that it has faced since the Blockbuster days, and it emerged stronger on the other side. That outcome reflects sound long-term strategic decision-making by management, as well as a true commitment to the DTC video / streaming business. While others were hamstrung by other incentives / requirements over the past 5-10 years (primary short-term P&L considerations), Netflix was all-in on skating to where the puck was going. It worked.”
Did we miss any key points in the interview that you think investors should know about?
“I think we covered all the bases!”
“Nothing that I can think of - we covered a lot of ground!”
Where can investors follow you and find your work?
“Feel free to reach out to me via X @FrancoOlivera”
“You can follow my work and subscribe to the TSOH Investment Research service on my website:
You can also follow me on X at @TSOH_Investing
Finally, you can find “TSOH Weekly”, the weekly 10-minute podcast that Francisco and I record, on the major audio / podcast platforms.”