3 Follow-up Questions With Spencer Cibelli On Haypp Group
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Reminder: these are show notes that should be read in conjunction with the podcast. Responses are written answers from guests. Enjoy the interview!
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3 Follow Ups With Spencer Cibelli on Haypp Group
What do you want investors to take away from this interview?
Hoping investors get a better understanding of the nicotine pouch market and the online opportunity within that. Realizing the durability/strength of Haypp’s moat and why the competitive positioning is so strong. Think the nicotine consumption market is rapidly changing as RRPs get more popular.
Did we miss any key points in the interview that you think investors should know about?
I think big opportunity with new countries and new products. Some that jump out are France, Italy, Spain and some Central European countries. Introduced Vape in friendly jurisdictions and potential Haypp becomes a much broader RRP platform and not just nicotine pouches (Big advantage when entering a new market. They have prices 3-40% cheaper and 5x the amount of SKUs versus any local player and can quickly take market share in new markets)
Think a big aspect of the business is the increase in AOV overtime, think around 9% YoY growth last quarter. Trends up overtime as new customers generally order smaller and then increase in size overtime. Maybe buy 5 cans first order, 10 cans second order, 20 cans third order and so on
Where can investors follow you and find your work?
Twitter @SpencerCibelli on LinkedIn Spencer Cibelli or my email spencer@robotti.com
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