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Smart and Funny Tweets:

An image of GPS tracking of multiple wolves in six different packs around Voyageurs National Park shows how much the wolf packs avoid each other's range.

On this date in 1974, Lenny Randle was thrown behind, so he dropped a bunt down just to LEVEL the pitcher

“You can fill the front of the truck with ice and beer” is absolutely how you sell Americans on electric vehicles.

Lauren @ActNormalOrElse

I am stealing the idea from @JerryCap but I had to do it in meme format.

Conor @InvestmentTalkk

1/ $DASH unit economics, per @WSJ & DB:
- Consumer pays ~$36
- Restaurant gets ~$24
- Delivery driver gets ~$9
- $DASH gets ~$1
$DASH and $UBER trying to bundle deliveries (booze, groceries) and use tech to reduce refunds to improve economics.
cc: @BluthCapital @ProtagorasTO

Fintwit: I only invest in high-quality management teams.
Me: Then why are you invested in $TWTR?