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Smart and Funny Tweets:

Admonishing the media for their early call on $BRK Berkshire’s cash, where they counted $6.8B that didn’t exist, a 4.67% margin of error, I expect the tweet taken down. 1/ https://t.co/iCLgNbaRwk

Christopher Bloomstran @ChrisBloomstran

Long $BRKA, short $AAPL = ~$400b stub that roughly includes:
~$150b cash/UST/bonds
~$150b equities
... leaves ~$100b price for:
World-class railroad, energy co, insurance ops that produced $30b op-cf last quarter.
all w/ GOAT capital alloc, who's buying back @ >1.2x PB.

Oh, just going to drop this right here and retire for the night ... Sleep tight!
Quote from @Jesse_Livermore on @patrick_oshag's Invest Like the Best podcast episode 194.

BUFFETT: Graham taught me to look at two things, gross profit multiples and TAM. Stocks aren’t just pieces of paper, they’re winner take most platforms.

Switch lifetime hardware sales have reached 68.3 million as of September, up from 61.44M last quarter.
Brings it to 12.53M sold this year to date. Nintendo's original annual target was 19M. It's now, more reasonably, 24M.
(It also passed NES, just under 62M overall.)