I recommend removing the words "moat" and "mission critical" from one's investing process. There are no real moats and nothing is mission critical (aka everything is replaceable). Investors get complacent with their stocks when these terms are applied to them and then they are surprised when the company's business goes down because customers are buying less. e.g. SNOW, MDB, ZS to name a few. Cheers!
A very thought provoking post!
I recommend removing the words "moat" and "mission critical" from one's investing process. There are no real moats and nothing is mission critical (aka everything is replaceable). Investors get complacent with their stocks when these terms are applied to them and then they are surprised when the company's business goes down because customers are buying less. e.g. SNOW, MDB, ZS to name a few. Cheers!
There are real moats
I like big moats, and I cannot lie…
"I would be weary of buying today"
▶ adjective (leerier, leeriest) *informal* cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions: a city leery of gang violence. --Oxford Dictionary of English